Welcome to Chapel Hill Elementary School


  • Our vision is to provide a happy, caring, and stimulating learning environment where children will recognize and achieve their fullest potential, so that they can make their best contribution to society.
  • Our journey starts in kindergarten as we prepare our students to have successful 21st century learning experiences in elementary, middle, and high school, so that they will be able to go to the college of their choice!
  • Our school is a place where dedicated teachers creatively set high standards of learning and celebrate the achievements of each child. Our teachers celebrate diversity and support all learners because they believe in them!
  • Our school is forward-thinking and strives to prepare our students for a rapidly changing world by equipping them with critical thinking skills, global perspective, and respect for the core values of honesty, loyalty, and compassion.

Principal: Nancy Hill
Assistant Principal: Julie Mintiens
Facility Opened: 1962
Enrollment 2024-2025: 548

MSDE Report Card
Parent BCPSOne Schoology Flyer